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about - Variable in class de.x28hd.tool.PresentationService
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.core.TextEditorCore.BoldSpecialActionAdapter
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.PresentationExtras
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.PresentationService
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.TextEditorPanel
add(String) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.LifeCycle
addEdge(GraphEdge) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.core.GraphNode
addToLabel(String) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.core.PresentationCore
Text marked by "Bold Special" is appended to the label
advancedMenu() - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.Gui
askForFilename(String) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.LifeCycle
askForLocation(String) - Method in class de.x28hd.tool.LifeCycle
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